Do Not Assume Your Security Is Any Good Until Its Tested

Assumptions Are 99% Failures

Business's often assume their security is ok because they pay for security and systems and yet; this is simply not true in many cases. Security assumptions often become the failing in security which allows an adversary to commit a crime and exploit a venue or business. This could essentially mean that you or your business may potentially be operating without duty of care. Many businesses and venues now fit the criteria of a crowded space facility.

If It Is Not Tested Its Not Proven

You should never assume that suitable security measures and procedures are in place, unless they are assessed and tested; especially with the very simplistic and blunt methods of crime and terrorism now being employed.

If It Is Not Audited

You will never know its weakness

If It Is Not Supervised

You will never know what is going on

If It Is Not Monitored

You will never see the crime

If You Are Not In Control

The criminal soon will be