Duty Of Care

If it is proven Duty of Care OwedDuty of Care BreachedHarm CausedYou may well be liable in a civil claims court for injury.

Breaches of Duty Of Care

Some very rarely mentioned and understood, yet simple breaches of duty of care; are that you don’t have suitable policies, procedures, risk assessments; or physical protection measures or security or other safety systems in place. Also qualified licenced and trained security officers, first aiders and or fire marshals on site to help protect your staff and customers.

You have made yourself open to a civil claim.
Civil Claims

You have made yourself open to a civil claim.

Not to mention authority penalties.

It is not just about Slip – Trip – Fall or any other physical injury!

Suitable & Sufficient

Not having suitable and sufficient process and systems in place is a breach of duty of care. Do not assume safety systems are in place.

Doing nothing is no longer an option!

Contact us now to help