Emergency Planning - Its Law!

The Business Must Go On!

In times of recession and other national crisis; crime especially violent crime increases. Regardless of this and other factors, people need to feel safe and secure when they are their most vulnerable.

Socialising is and will remain a vulnerable activity for your customers.

Don't Be Fooled

Don’t be fooled in to thinking people will not go out and socialise, even in times of conflict people will socialise its embedded into the culture of the UK over generations of cultural development, change and uncertainty.

Businesses need to keep going and focus on their asset protection, customers included. Duty holders must step up and ensure they protect the people they have a duty of care over.

Emergency Plans

Plans provide direction on how to deal with an emergency. The Emergency Plan focusses inwards, identifying tasks, resources, and personnel responsible for managing the direct effects of an attack.

There are Two schools of thought which exist in regard to the emergency plan.

One is that we should develop generic emergency plans and populate them with incident-specific annexes. The other is that separate emergency plans should be developed for specific emergencies.

We aim to simplify matters rather dependent on the venue size, design, makeup, and any outcomes from the initial survey report and inclusive of your compliant Fire Risk Assessment.